Our Favorite Hiking Resources

Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, just 36 minutes drive from our Santa Fe Vacation Rental, is a U.S. National Monument located approximately 40 miles southwest of Things to do in Santa Fe, New Mexico, near Cochiti Pueblo.

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, managed by the Bureau of Land Management, is famous for its scenic cone-shaped formations, composed of pumice, ash, and tuff deposits from volcanic eruptions 6–7 million years ago. Picnic tables, shelters, and toilets are available at the Monument. The Monument includes a National Recreational Trail for hiking only. The Trail contains two segments that provide opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, geologic observation, and plant identification. Both segments of the trail begin at the designated Monument parking area. The Cave Loop Trail is 1.2 miles long, rated as easy. The more difficult Canyon Trail is a 1.5-mile, one-way trek into a narrow, "slot" canyon with a steep (630-ft) climb to the mesa top for excellent views of the Sangre de Cristo, Jemez, Sandia mountains, and the Rio Grande Valley. The Veterans Memorial Trail is a 1-mile long loop trail, rated as very easy and is wheelchair accessible.

Entry into the Monument is between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Closing procedures begin at 3:30 PM to clear the Monument by 5 PM. Visitors must be out of the fee booth gated area by closing time.

During the summer months, the Monument experiences increased visitation. Please be aware that visitors may experience entrance delays starting at 9 AM due to increased visitation and lack of available parking. Wait times may range from 30 to 90 minutes. As parking is made available, new visitors will be allowed entry.

The Monument will be closed on Jan 6th; the Friday before Easter; Easter Sunday; the Monday after Easter; May 3rd; July 13th - 14th; July 25th; Nov 1st; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day; and New Year’s Day to allow for Pueblo de Cochiti cultural observances and routine BLM maintenance.

Federal annual, senior, and access passports are honored at the Monument.

NOTE: No dogs are allowed at the Monument.

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